Jack Klaff signing for Celebrity Signings

We are pleased to announce that Jack Klaff will be doing a private signing for us at Celebrity Signings

Jack is perhaps most famous for portraying Red 4/ John D in the original Star Wars Movie A New Hope and as Henchman Apostis in the James Bond Movie ‘For Your Eyes Only’ as well other TV& film appearances. Other cult shows Jack has starred in are Space 1999, Red Dwarf as Abraham Lincoln in ‘Waxworld’ and Ivanhoe.

There will be a selection of 10”x8”S available along with the option to send in your own item - all items accepted. Quotes are also available at no extra charge. Photo options will be listed in the comments.

Autographed photos or send in items are all a flat fee of £20 no matter the item and Jack has also decided to offer personalised video messages for £20 each too. A sample video will also be in the comments.

All orders should be emailed to us at:

We are also happy to announce that Beckett Authentication Services may be witnessing the signing and should want this service it will be £8 per item. But would need a minimum of 10 orders to attend the signing. (It will be their U.K. team member Paul Dunne)

All signings to take place in July/August subject to government safety advice on COVID -19

Thanks very much!!
